Wednesday 22 December 2021

Christmas Picture Books 2021

Christmas time is here again, and as always, I am delighted to recommend two books to read over the holidays. One is a sequel to a book I previously reviewed and one has recently been reissued.

Title: How Winston Came Home For Christmas.
Author/Illustrator: Alex T. Smith.
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books.
Published: 2021.
Format: Hardback.
Source: Own copy.

I adored the previous book in the Winston series, and so I was very excited when the sequel was released this year. Like Winston's first adventure, this comes in the same format of 24 and a half chapters to read each day, along with some new festive activities to keep you busy.

It's getting closer to Christmas, and Winston is already enjoying time with his new friend Oliver. However, he cannot help but have strange flashbacks to a Christmas long ago, and he cannot help but feel that somebody else is missing from his life. And so he sets off on another adventure to find this somebody, this time around Europe. All of the characters you loved from the previous book make their return, but there are some new companions there to help Winston on his journey of self-discovery, ranging from the pampered yet adventure-seeking poodle Gaspard to the shy and nervous fox Heinz.

The story is incredibly heartwarming and the activities just as fun as the first book's set. If you had read and enjoyed the first Winston book, this is definitely worth getting.

Title: Jingle Bells.
Author/Illustrator: Nick Butterworth.
Publisher: HarperCollins.
Published: 1998.
Format: Hardback.
Source: Own copy.

I have always been a fan of the Percy the Park Keeper books and I was extra lucky to see their creator Nick Butterworth discuss his work at the 2019 Wimbledon Book Festival. This is another one of his books I greatly enjoyed, and it has been re-published in paperback this year.

The book concerns two mice with a problem - they want to enjoy Christmas but are constantly being terrorised by the mean cat Angus. Luckily, they have a plan which involves...well, I won't spoil it, but there's a reason for the title. I greatly enjoyed this story when I was younger and I still enjoy it now, both for the humour and the memorable characters. Whether you are a Percy fan like me or are new to Butterworth's books, this is one Christmas story you shouldn't miss out on.

That does it for another year of reviewing wonderful Christmas books. I hope you all have a happy Christmas and find a good read for the holidays, whether it be one of the books I recommended or maybe even something different.

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