Friday 25 December 2020

Christmas Picture Book Reviews 2020

2020 has certainly been a chaotic year for many, with this Christmas season in particularly having to be done differently to usual. I have found that having a good book to read always helps during these stressful times and these Christmas books will certainly help to make your Christmas a little brighter. This time I will be reviewing one classic, one brand new book and one that features a character beloved by many.

Title: The Polar Express.
Author/Illustrator: Chris van Allsburg.
Publisher: Anderson Press.
Published: 1985.
Format: Paperback.
Source: My own copy.

I was very lucky to be able to watch Chris van Allsburg talk recently, as well as receive a signed copy of the 35th anniversary version of The Polar Express, one of his most famous books. The story tells of a young boy who boards a train one night to the North Pole, with other children joining him and a breathtaking view of the sights around. When the children arrive at Santa's place, one of them will receive the first gift of the year.

This is a magical yet poignant tale of the power of belief, and is vastly superior to the film adaptation of it. It comes complete with the beautiful photorealistic illustrations that Allsburg is renowned for, all mixed with a magical adventure. The descriptions of the sights that the children see, as well as the fact that they receive hot chocolate and get to sing Christmas carols, really made me want to ride the Polar Express itself! Definitely a classic worth checking out.

Title: The Twelve Days Of Christmas or Grandma is Overly Generous.
Author/Illustrator: Alex T. Smith.
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books.
Published: 2020.
Format: Hardback.
Source: My own copy.

A very humorous take on The Twelve Days Of Christmas. Eloise's grandma is very generous...a little too generous. As the days go by, her gifts for Eloise keep on increasing and, whilst the book starts off in the same way as the original poem, it takes an entirely original turn once it gets to the seventh day. Eloise's reactions are mixed - sometimes she's delighted and sometimes she's unsure whether these gifts are what she really wants. And the twelfth provides the biggest surprise of them all...

I got a good chuckle from the humorous and often surprising situations that Eloise finds herself in, with the trademark illustrations of Alex T. Smith really adding to them. I also loved the Edwardian touch to Eloise and her grandmother's outfits as a reference to when the original was first published. Like Smith's other Christmas book I reviewed last year, How Winston Delivered Christmas, this is a perfect read for Christmas time and a particularly funny one at that too.

Title: Winnie and Wilbur Meet Santa.Author: Valerie Thomas.
Illustrator: Korky Paul.
Publisher: Oxford University Press.
Published: 2016.
Format: Hardback.
Source: My own copy.

I've always enjoyed the antics of Winnie the Witch and her cat Wilbur. This time, her adventures see her having to help out Santa after he got stuck in her chimney. Now he needs her help in delivering the presents to the children in time. As always with Winnie and Wilbur, things don't go so smoothly...

For those who know about this series, you will be pleased to know that this book is complete with the same slapstick and zany antics that Winnie and Wilbur are known and loved for, topped off with the irreverent and humorous illustrations of Korky Paul. But it's the added bonuses exclusive to this book that really make it stand out. From the endpages featuring drawings of the characters from children who love these stories to the pop-up features at the end of the book, this is definitely a Christmas treat worth having.

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